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Google rolling out new PageSpeed Insights

Google announced these changes weeks ago but it is now rolling out under a new URL.

PageSpeed Insights tool. The PageSpeed Insights tool analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster. Google upgraded the tool in 2018 to use real world field data from Chrome browsers.

New location. Google moved the tool to https://pagespeed.web.dev/ – previously it was located at https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

What is new. Google said the user interface is more intuitive “by clearly differentiating between data derived from a synthetic environment and data collected from users in the field.” Google now has set up devoted sections for lab data versus field data in the tool. Labels for “Field Data” and “Lab data” have been replaced with text that indicates what the data means and how it can help. Google also moved the field data section to the top.

Google also has Core Web Vitals assessment result, which earlier appeared as a single word “passed” or “failed” in Field Data. This helps it stand out as a separate subsection with a distinct icon.

Google changed the navigation menu at the top and included links for mobile and desktop centrally on the report page. The links are now more and “distinctly indicate the platform for which the data is being shown,” the company said.

Here is a before and after screenshot:

Why we care. If you are obsessed with speed or want to make your Page Experience scores and Core Web Vital scores the highest possible, you can use PageSpeed Insights to work on that. Review the changes Google made the tool to see what more you can get out of this tool that you did not have beforehand.