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Verizon the First US Wireless Company to Offer International 5G

Verizon has become the first US wireless carrier to strike an international 5G roaming deal.

All three US carriers are racing to deploy 5G networks, and are eager to tout their milestones and advantages. T-Mobile has the widest 5G coverage, while Verizon’s 5G network has the fastest speeds. Verizon can now add another feather to its cap, being the first US wireless company to offer 5G international roaming—albeit in a single country.

The company has inked a deal to offer 5G roaming service in South Korea. Verizon conducted tests using a dual frequency device that can access the company’s mmWave service in the US and Korea’s 3.5 GHz mid-band spectrum when roaming. Speeds in Korea averaged 252 Mbps down and 119 Mbps up. Despite the rather humble beginnings, Verizon promises more countries will soon be included in its international roaming agreements.

“We are in the early phases of global roaming partnerships with other countries and will continue to look for strategic partnerships with international providers who, like Verizon, are leading the 5G evolution. This roaming service with South Korea will serve as a model as we engage with 5G providers in other countries to provide our customers who travel globally with more options,” said Kyle Malady, Chief Technology Officer.