
October 2017 Google Webmaster Report

This past month was filled with many many Google algorithm shifts, ranking changes, tools going nuts and chatter at all times high. We saw lots of ranking changes last weekwhich Google didn’t really confirm. Then the week of September 15th or so and then a couple weeks before that. Heck, we even reported about a local ranking algorithm shift this month.

Google replaced the first click free program with flexible sampling, brought back 10 suggestions and added more testers to the new Search Console. Google addressed the click data SEO thing again after possibly misspeaking? And so much more.

The ongoing WebmasterWorld thread is still chattering about the algorithms shifts from later last week.

Here is a summary of the stories from the past month that are Google webmaster related:

Google Algorithms:

Google Search:

Google Search Console:

Google SEO:

Google User Interface:

Google Local:

Google Misc: