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Share Budgets In Bing Ads,& More

Bing Ads has been busy. In the past week, it has rolled out Expanded Text Ads and a more comprehensive campaign set up workflow that provides performance estimates along the way.
As in AdWords, Shared Budgets let you assign one budget to multiple campaigns. Why would you want to do this? Well, say you have a fixed budget of $1,000 a week to spend on Bing Ads campaigns. After allocating budgets to individual campaigns, you may find at the end of the week that some campaigns tapped out their budgets and could have spent more, while other campaigns had budget to spare.
With Shared Budgets, all campaigns, or a subset of campaigns, can have a single budget that will get doled out automatically to the campaigns that need it.
Shared Budgets is available in the UI. It’s read-only in Editor and the Apps at this point. In the UI, you’ll find the option under the Shared Library.




Do note that Shared Budgets is not supported by Import or Google Sync at this time. That means if you import updates from AdWords for an existing campaign in Bing Ads that uses a Shared Budget, the campaign budget won’t get updated. Bing Ads says it’s working on that integration for early 2017.


Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO at KeywordSpy. His expert knowledge on Internet Marketing practices and techniques has earned him the title “Internet Marketing Guru“ He is also an innovator, investor and entrepreneur widely recognized by the top players in the industry.